Csa b52 mechanical refrigeration code
Csa b52 mechanical refrigeration code

csa b52 mechanical refrigeration code

Changes to this edition include the following: a) added definition for "mechanical joint" (Clause 3.1) b) updates to Clause 4.4.1 c) updates to Clause 4.5.2 d) updates to Clause 5.2 e) updates to Clause f) updates to Clause g) updates to Clause h) updates to Clause 6.10 i) updates to Clause j) updates to Tables 1, 2, and L.1 k) updates to Table 4 and l) updates to Figure 5. This Standard applies to all refrigeration systems installed, whether in new or existing premises, to systems that undergo a substitution of refrigerant, and to parts that are replaced in or added to the system.

csa b52 mechanical refrigeration code

The twelfth edition of this Standard provides the minimum requirements for the design, construction, installation, inspection, and maintenance of mechanical refrigeration systems, and is complemented by the practical implementation guidance B52 Handbook, helping to minimize the risk of personal injury. Preface This is the twelfth edition of CSA B52, Mechanical refrigeration code. Most recent CSA B52-2018 Mechanical refrigeration code

Csa b52 mechanical refrigeration code